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The Puretec Hybrid System is highly effective and efficient in removing taste, odour, chemicals and sediment in your water, giving good general purpose filtration. Kills 99% of E. Coli, Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts using Radfire ultraviolet technology, a natural purification process that's completely eco-friendly and chemical-free. Enjoy the peace of mind of safe, purified water at every outlet in the house.
Dual stage filtration plus UV and weather protection, 130 Lpm, 1” conn
Features & Benefits
• Kills 99% of E. Coli, Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts Radfire ultraviolet technology, a natural purification process that's completely eco-friendly and chemical-free.
• Dual filtration for extra sediment capacity.
• High Strength Light-weight Aluminium bracket with Architectural Grade PVDF electro coating.
• Fast plug & play installation.
• Designed for harsh climate.
• Quick and easy plug-and-play installation.
• Equipped with a lamp count-down timer and alarm.
• Anti-tamper & childproof lockable lid.
• Hinged lid for easy access for lamp change.
Baldivis Water
10 Fifty Road, Baldivis WA 6171
Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm
Saturday 8am to 12pm
Closed Public Holidays